ARCSHSCN Accounts Receivable Cash Projection Report

ARCSHSCN Accounts Receivable Cash Projection Report

Cash Projection Report

Application Overview


The Cash Projection Report graph application facilitates Elliott reporting features by plotting the anticipated future revenue outlook of your organization. It processes information obtained from the A/R Open Item File, and creates a report that projects the amount each customer account will contribute to the overall projection within a given period of time. This resource can provide a powerful visual representation of important business variables such as the comparative amount of anticipated future gross receipts generated by your most valued customers. It can also be used as a tool to set organizational goals, and plan future resources.  


You can create a report that projects cash receipts generated in any combination of the following variables:

  • A range of customers
  • Projected cash receipts to be generated by a specified date
  • A Period of time that you define
  • Projected cash receipts based on the current amounts generated in a given period, Year to date or both of these variables

You may also choose to calculate the Projected Revenue based on the invoices' due dates or the customers average number of days to pay during the current year.  If one or more of your customers have a tendency to pay early or late, basing the report on average days to pay can provide a more realistic picture of when to expect cash receipts.


Run Instructions


Select Cash Projection Report from the pull down A/R Reports window.   The following screen will then be displayed:




Cash Projection Report Entry Screen



 After entering the required information another window will display the following options:

  • Print the cash projection report by customer, by collector, based on a certain date, in detail or summary with cash due from customers or all customers


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Starting Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting customer number, in the range that you want to plot.

If you press RETURN for the entry of the starting customer, the field will default to Allcustomers, and the ending customer will be skipped.

2.  Ending Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending customer number in the range you want to plot.

3.  Based On What Date ?

A date In the standard date format.

Enter the future date that you want to forecast projected cash receipts.

This field automatically defaults to the present date.

4.  Days In Period 1

3 numeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in you’re a/R Setup.

For the purpose of this graph you can enter a different number of days to be considered in Period 1.

5.  Period 1 Description

8 alphanumeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in you’re a/R Setup.

You may substitute this with the description entered here. This information will appear when the resulting graph is printed.

6.  Days In Period 2

3 numeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

For the purpose of this graph you can enter a different number of days to be considered in Period 2.

7.  Period 2 Description

8 alphanumeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

You may substitute this with the description entered here. This information will appear when the resulting graph is printed.

8.  Days In Period 3

3 numeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

For the purpose of this graph you can enter a different number of days to be considered in Period 3.

9.  Period 3 Description

8 alphanumeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

You may substitute this with the description entered here. This information will appear when the resulting graph is printed.

10. Days In Period 4

3 numeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

For the purpose of this graph you can enter a different number of days to be considered in Period 4.

11. Period 4 Description

8 alphanumeric characters.

This field automatically defaults to the predefined settings in your A/R Setup.

You may substitute this with the description entered here. This information will appear when the resulting graph is printed.

12. Starting Collector

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting collector number, in the range that you want to plot.

If you press RETURN for the entry of the starting collector, the field will default to Allcollectors and the ending collector will be skipped.

13. Ending Collector

1 alphabetic character.

Enter the ending customer number in the range you want to plot.

14. Print Detail ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to see all customer detail, otherwise a summary will print.

15. Print Customers With Cash        Due Only ?               

Y or N.

Enter Y to see only the customers that have open invoices that are expected to be paid.

16.  Calculate Based on ?

1 alphabetic character.

Valid entries are:

A              =              Customer Average Days To Pay

B              =              Document Due Date

Enter A to calculate projected revenue based on each customer's average days to pay during the current year.  If customers tend to pay their bills early or late, this option can provide a more realistic idea of when to expect cash receipts.  Enter B to calculate projected revenue based on the due date for each document in the Open Item file.

This field defaults to A.





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