ARACTSUM Accounts Receivable Customer Account Summary Inquiry

ARACTSUM Accounts Receivable Customer Account Summary Inquiry

Customer Account Summary Inquiry


Application Overview


This feature provides a fast and effective way to view a customer’s account.  The main idea is to list all transactions with the same Apply-To number together in sequence so that the user can easily view what invoices have been fully paid, still open, or partially paid with the remaining balance displayed.  In addition, the Age field displays the payment history of how early or late an invoice payment was made.  This can be useful credit information for spotting payment trends.


Run Instructions


Account Summary Inquiry screen can be accessed from A/R Inquiry.  Select Open Item or Item History (previously purged records).



This is the Account Summary Open Item Inquiry Screen



In the above screen, Invoices 3028, 3027, 3026, 3025, 3024, and 3024, which were paid by Check 101, are listed together for easier viewing. 


Note:  The sequence for sorting is by the reverse sequence of Apply-To number.  The exception to this rule is open credits, which should be displayed first even though the Apply-To is 0.


 Inquiry Entry Field Descriptions


  1. Starting Date


Enter the starting date (mm/dd/yy) or press the Enter key for all transactions. Document Dates before this starting date will not be displayed.


      2.  Show Items Option?


Enter B, O, or P. 

             B = Both

             O = Open Items Only

P = Paid Items Only


3.       Apply-To


This is usually the invoice number; however, it can be 0 for those open payments or charge-back number.  It can be a finance charge document number as well.


4.       Doc-Type


Document type is usually "I" (invoice); however, it can be "P" (open payment), "D" (debit memo), or "F" (finance charge).


      5.   Doc-Date


            Document date usually refers to invoice date.


      6.   Due-Date


            Due date usually refers to invoice due date.


      7.   Total-Amt


Total amount usually refers to total invoice amount (amount-1 & amount-2 in Customer Account Inquiry).


      8.   Payment-Amount


This is the total payment amount received for this Apply-To (Excluding any discount, or allowance type of adjustment.)


      9.   Adjust-Amount


This is total payment amount-2 in credit memo, and/or debit memo for this Apply-To.  If it is a debit amount, then it will be displayed in a negative.


      10. Balance-Amount


            This is equal to Total-Amount - Payment-Amount - Adjust-Amount.


      11. Age


If an invoice has been paid, the Age is the Due-Date subtracted from the payment date.  If payment was made before the Due-Date, then Age will be negative.  If payment was made after the Due-Date, then Age will be positive. 


If the invoice Due-Date has passed, Age will be the number of days past the due date.  If the invoice is still current, (not past due), there is no Age display.








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