AP1600 Accounts Payable A/P Setup

AP1600 Accounts Payable A/P Setup

Utilities Setup

A/P Setup

Application Overview


A/P Setup allows you to turn certain features of the A/P package on and off and set package-wide defaults.  This allows you to tailor the package to your own needs and increase throughput.


The features, which can be turned on and off, are:


       Check Reconciliation

       Job Processing (tracking and reporting expenses by job)

       Multiple A/P Accounts

       Multiple Cash Accounts

       Vendor Audit Trail

       Print Checks On Laser Forms


See A/P Enhancements/Additional Features in this section.


The defaults, which can be set, are:


       Your company's federal ID number

       A/P account number default

       Cash account number default

       Discount account number default

       Miscellaneous charges expense account number default

       Sales tax expense account number default

       Freight charges expense account number default

       Last voucher number used

       Miscellaneous charges discountable (Y or N)

       Sales tax discountable (Y or N)

       Freight discountable (Y or N)

       Enter vendor P/O data (Y or N)

       Enter transaction P/O data (Y or N)

       FOB Code default

       Ship Via Code default

       Validate Accounts from A/P or G/L

       Vendor Notes Literals

       Label Code



Going into this application for the first time, you will be required to enter each field.

Run Instructions


Select A/P Setup from the pull-down A/P Util_setup window.  The following screen will then be displayed:

The following options are available:

  • Enter the data requested on the screen

To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen.

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Federal Id Number

9 numeric digits (999999999).


Enter the federal ID number for your company.  This number will be printed on the Federal 1099 forms.  If you do not have a federal ID number, use your social security number.

2.   Federal Id Type

1 alphabetic character.


If you entered a social security number above, enter S.  The number will be redisplayed in 999‑99‑9999 format.


If you entered an actual federal ID number above, enter F.  The number will be redisplayed in 99‑9999999 format.

3.   Reconcile Checks ?

Y or N.


If you wish to turn on the Check Reconciliation feature, enter Y.  The Check Reconciliation applica­tion will be enabled and records will be posted to the Check Recon­ciliation File when checks are posted.


If you wish to turn off the Check Reconciliation feature, enter N.  The Check Reconciliation applica­tion will be disabled and no records will be posted to the Check Reconciliation File.  If later you wish to turn this option back on you may, but the file will be empty until some more checks are posted.


The default is N.

4.   Use Job Numbers ?

Y or N.


Job numbers are used to help you track expenses on particular pro­jects and/or activities.  Distri­bution of expenses when entering new A/P transactions may become more time consuming when job numbers must be entered, depending on how extensively the feature is used and how difficult it is to determine which job or jobs a given invoice belongs.


If you wish to use job numbers in the A/P package, enter Y.  The Job Distribution Report application will be enabled and records will be posted to the Job Distribution File.

Use Job Numbers ? (continued)

If you would prefer not to use job numbers in the A/P package, enter N.  The Job Distribution Report application will be disabled and records will not be posted to the Job Distribution File.


The default is N.

5.   Multiple A/P Accounts ?

Y or N.


If you wish to turn on the Multiple A/P Accounts feature, enter Y.  Whenever a transaction is entered which affects A/P, the correct A/P account number to affect will be requested on the screen.


If you wish to turn off the Multiple A/P Accounts feature, enter N.  Whenever a transaction is entered which affects A/P, the default A/P account (next entry) will be affected.


The default is N.

6.   Default A/P Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


If the Multiple A/P Accounts feature is turned on, this will become the default value whenever the A/P account is entered.


If the Multiple A/P Accounts feature is turned off, this will become the A/P account, which is always used by the A/P package.


The account number entered here should be a liability account.

7.   Multiple Cash Accounts ?

Y or N.


If you wish to turn on the Multiple Cash Accounts feature, enter Y.  Whenever a transaction is entered which affects cash, the correct cash account to affect will be requested on the screen.


The default is N.

8.   Default Cash Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


If the Multiple Cash Accounts feature is turned on, this will become the default value whenever the cash account is entered.


If the Multiple Cash Accounts feature is turned off, this will become the cash account, which is always used by the A/P package.


The account number entered here should be an asset account.

9.   Discount Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


This is the discounts taken account which will always be used by the A/P package.


The account number entered here should be a revenue account.

10.  Misc Charges Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


Enter the miscellaneous charges expense account number.  Miscel­laneous charges can be distributed to this expense account automati­cally by pressing a function key while entering expense distri­butions in A/P Transaction Processing.


If you do not want miscellaneous charges to be distributed auto­matically to a particular account, enter a dummy account number in this field that you will not use.

11.  Sales Tax Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


Enter the sales tax expense account number.  Sales tax can be distributed to this expense account automatically by pressing a function key while entering expense distributions in A/P Transaction Processing.


If you do not want sales tax charges to be distributed auto­matically to a particular account, enter a dummy account number in this field that you will not use.

12.  Freight Charges Account  No

An account number in the standard account number format.


Enter the freight charges expense account number.  Freight charges can be distributed to this account automatically by pressing a function key while entering expense distributions in A/P Transaction Processing.


If you do not want freight charges to be distributed automatically to a particular account, enter a dummy account in this field that you will not use.

13. Last Voucher Number  Used

6 numeric digits (999999).


When first setting up the A/P package, the number entered here should be one less than the first number that should automatically be assigned during A/P Trans­action Processing.


For example, if you wish to have the first voucher number be 1, then enter zero here.  If you want to start at voucher number 10000, then enter 9999 here.

14.  Misc Charges Discountable ?

1 alphabetic character.


If miscellaneous charges are discountable, it means that an early payment discount can be taken on the miscellaneous charges amount as well as on the amount paid for goods.


There are five valid values for this field:


A   =  Miscellaneous charges are always discountable.

X   =  Miscellaneous charges are never discountable.

Y   =  Miscellaneous charges are usually discountable.

N   =  Miscellaneous charges are not usually discountable.

""   =  Miscellaneous charges are sometimes discountable and sometimes not.


If A is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the mis­cellaneous charges are discount­able.  It will be assumed that they are discountable.


If X is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the miscellaneous charges are discountable.     

     Misc Charges Discountable ?

If Y is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the miscellaneous charges are discountable.  The answer will default to Y.


If N is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the mis­cellaneous charges are discount­able.  The answer will default to N.


If "" is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the mis­cellaneous charges are discount­able.  The answer will not have a default. It will be assumed that they are not discountable. 

15.  Sales Tax Discountable?

1 alphabetic character.


If sales tax is discountable, it means that you are to pay sales tax on the price you are actually paying for goods.  If sales tax is not discountable, it means that you pay tax on the full price of merchandise, regardless of whether you get an early payment discount.


There are five valid values for this field:


A   =  Sales tax is always discountable.

X   =  Sales tax is never discountable.

Y   =  Sales tax is usually discountable.

N   =  Sales tax is not usually discountable.

""   =  Sales tax is sometimes discountable and sometimes not.


If A is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the sales tax is discountable.  It will be assumed that it is discountable.


If X is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the sales tax is discountable.  It will be assumed that it is not discountable.


If Y is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the sales tax is discountable.


The answer will default to Y.

Sales Tax Discountable ?  (continued)

If N is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the sales tax is discountable. The answer will default to N.


If "" is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the sales tax is discountable.  The answer will not have a default.

16.  Freight Discountable ?

1 alphabetic character.


If freight is discountable, it means that an early payment dis­count can be taken on the freight charges amount, as well as on the amount paid for goods.


There are five valid values for this field:


A  =  Freight is always discountable.

X  =  Freight is never discountable.

Y  =  Freight is usually discountable.

N  =  Freight is not usually discountable.

"" =  Freight is sometimes discountable and sometimes not.


If A is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the freight is discountable.  It will be assumed that it is discount­able.


If X is entered, the operator will not be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the freight is discountable.  It will be assumed that it is not discountable.


If Y is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the freight is discountable.  The answer will default to Y.


If N is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the freight is discountable.  The answer will default to N.


If "" is entered, the operator will be asked during A/P Transaction Processing if the freight is discountable.  The answer will not have a default.

17.  Keep Vendor File Audit                  Trail ?

Y or N.


If you wish to turn on the Vendor Audit Trail feature, enter Y.  Any additions, changes and deletions to the file will be logged in the Vendor Audit Trail File and the Vendor Audit Trail Report can be printed.


If you wish to turn off the Vendor Audit Trail feature, enter N.  No records will be added to the Vendor Audit Trail File and the Vendor Audit Trail Report will be disabled.  If you later want to turn this option on, you can do so.

Screen 2

18.  Enter Vendor P/O Data ?


 Y or N.


This answer determines whether you will be asked to enter P/O data on the second screen of Vendor File Maintenance. If you answer N to this question, the second screen of Vendor File Maintenance will not appear and the default fields will be used.


This field defaults to Y.

19.  Enter Transaction P/O  Data?

Y or N.


This answer determines whether you will be asked to enter P/O data on the second screen of A/P Transaction Processing.  If you answer N to this question, the second screen of A/P Transaction Processing will not include P/O data.


This field defaults to Y.

20.  Default Fob Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the default FOB code to be used during data entry.


This is the automatic default if the Enter Vendor P/O Data flag is N.

21.  Default Ship Via Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the default Ship Via Code to be used during data entry.


This is the automatic default if the Enter Vendor P/O Data flag is N.

22.  Change Protected Fields ?

Y or N.


Enter whether you are going to allow changes to the protected fields using the F6 key or not.


This field defaults to N.

23. Validate Accounts From                  A/P Or G/L

A or G


If you enter A, account number entries are validated against the A/P Account File.


If you enter G, account number entries are validated against the G/L Account File.

24. - 28.  Vendor Note Literals

              1 -5

10 alphanumeric characters.


These fields serve to define the literal label that identifies each line of Notes field information.


You may enter any expression that suits your needs.

29.  Vendor Date Literal

10 alphanumeric characters.


This field labels the date expression that is entered into vendor Notes.


You may enter any expression that suits your needs.

30. Vendor Amount Literal

10 alphanumeric characters.


This field labels the amount expression that is entered into vendor Notes.


You may enter any expression that suits your needs.

31. Label Code ?

2 numeric characters.


Enter the Label Code that was defined under the Elliott main menu bar of Util_setup.

32. Print A/R Job Info ?

Y or N.


If you answer Y, Job History file information generated from Accounts Receivable will be printed on the Job Analysis Report.  If you answer N, Job History file information generated from Accounts Receivable will not be printed on the Job Analysis Report.

33. Print Payroll Job Info ?

Y or N.


If you answer Y, Job History file information generated from Payroll will be printed on the Job Analysis and Job Distribution Reports.  If you answer N, Job History file information generated from Payroll will not be printed on the Job Analysis and Job Distribution Reports.

34. Print Checks On Laser?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print A/P checks on laser forms.  Enter N to print checks on standard (continuous) forms.

A/P Setup Screen #1:

A/P Setup Screen #2:


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