The Check History Report accesses the A/P Open Item File for check information. The A/P Open Item File contains information since the last purge date (date for which the Purge A/P Open Item File was last run).
The report can be printed for all vendors, a range of vendors, or for a single vendor. A range of checks and a range of dates can also be selected.
This report can be used as a monthly check register. Just ensure you have check data on file (do not run the purge) until printed on a monthly check register. Normally, you would wait until a few days after the month or period you wish the Check History Report printed for to ensure all manually written checks get entered into the system.
The Check History Detail Report accesses the A/P History File, which contains purged data.
A/P Reports à Check History Reports à Print
Report Options:
1. Check History Report
2. Check Summary Report
3. Check History Detail Report
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the first vendor to be printed on the report.
This field defaults to All. |
2. Ending Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the last vendor to be printed on the report.
This field defaults to the starting vendor number to make it easy to print the report for a single vendor. |
3. Starting Check No | 6 numeric digits (999999).
Enter the first check to be printed on the report.
This field defaults to All. |
4. Ending Check No | 6 numeric digits (999999).
Enter the last check to be printed on the report.
This field defaults to the starting check number to make it easy to print the report for a single check. |
5. Starting Check Date | A date in the standard date format.
Enter the first check date, which is to appear on the report.
This field defaults to the day after the last date through which you purged A/P open items. |
6. Ending Check Date | A date in the standard date format.
Enter the last check date, which is to appear on the report.
This field defaults to the current date to make it easy to print all the checks, which are on file. |
7. Print distributions | “Y” = Report will prints the distribution account number, name and the distribution amount. Useful auditing or review feature to see what the check paid in detail. |
7. Cash Account No | An account number in the standard account number format.
This field does not appear if you do not use multiple cash accounts.
Enter the cash account which the checks to be printed on the report were drawn against. The description of the account will be displayed automatically below.
Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the account by description.
This field defaults to the default cash account. |