The Vendor File is used to store information on all companies and individuals from whom materials, supplies, and services are purchased. This application allows entry of information into this file and then maintenance of this data.
The Vendor File contains information such as the vendor's name, address, telephone number, federal 1099 information, and credit terms given your company. For each vendor, the package also keeps track of the total purchases made, discounts taken, and payments made so far in the current year and for the previous year.
There are three different entry screens used in the Vendor File application. The first screen is where general vendor information pertaining to A/P is entered. The second screen is where information pertaining to Elliott's Purchase Order and Receiving package is entered. It contains default values regarding purchasing from this vendor, such as FOB andShip Via, as well as historical purchasing and performance statistics for the vendor. The third screen allows for what are called Vendor Automatic Distributions. (This is the subject of the next paragraph.) This third screen information is optional and will only be entered if you specify on the first screen that the vendor is to have automatic distributions.
When an invoice comes in and is entered into the system, the invoice amount is posted to the General Ledger as a credit to A/P. This is counter‑balanced by a debit to one or more expense accounts. The posting of these debits is called expense distribution, since we are sometimes distributing the expenses to several accounts. This distribution process is explained more completely in the Application Overview for A/P Transaction Processing. Automatic vendor distributions are designed to speed up this often-tedious task of entering expense distributions, especially where the distribution is fairly predictable ahead of time. For example: say you have a vendor called Universal Office Supply. Whenever an invoice comes in from this vendor, the credit to A/P is counter‑balanced by a debit to the office supply expense account. The automatic distributions for the vendor could be set up to automatically debit the office supply expense account for the invoice amount. But, say you have your company divided into three profit centers ‑ 100, 200, and 300. You find from past records that, on the average, profit center 100 uses 20% of the office supplies, 200 uses 50%, and 300 uses the remaining 30%. The automatic vendor distributions could easily be set up to distribute the expense to three different accounts, according to these percentages.
The Numeric_list displays a report of the information on file for a selected range of vendors from whom you have made no purchases since a specified date. It also prints a report of related Purchase Order And Receiving information, and lists miscellaneous vendors.
The Alpha_list is printed in alphabetical order by the vendor name and only shows some of the information on file for each vendor. See the sample report for information on exactly what is printed on the report.
By selecting Notes from the Vendor File menu bar, you can define any additional requirements for each vendor record on file. The benefit of this feature is apparent when you need special information that isn't present in any other file maintenance application. The Notes function displays a window that enables entry of the vendor's account number. You can enter up to 5 lines 30 characters each of additional comments plus 1 date and 1 amount field. The descriptions for these lines must be entered in A/P Setup in the Util_setup pull-down window before you can access this application.
By selecting Labels from the Vendor File menu bar, you can print mailing labels for a selected range of vendor accounts. The actual label size should be defined in Label Code Setup in the Util_setup off the Elliott main menu bar. The default label code setting is defined in A/P Setup.
Select Vendor File from the pull-down A/P Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:
The following options are available:
To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen.
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
This number is used throughout the Accounts Payable Package to refer to the vendor.
Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the vendor by number or pressing the F8key will allow you to search for the vendor by name. This is useful in the change or delete modes to find a vendor when you do not know the vendor number. If you wish to use miscellaneous Vendors, you must enter vendor number *99999. This vendor is used to accumulate totals for all vendors after the open item file is purged.
For more information on miscellaneous vendors, refer to the Package Overview section of this manual. |
2. Name | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's name.
In most places in A/P where the vendor's number is entered, the F8 key can be pressed and a search for the vendor by this name is allowed. If you have a large number of vendors and will be using the F8 key search, it would be best to keep the name as simple as possible and enter it in a format that will allow it to be alphabetized, e.g., Food Store instead of The Food Store. This will also make for a more meaningful alphabetical printout. This name will also appear on checks printed for the vendor. |
3. Address‑1 | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's address, as it is to appear on checks. |
4. Address‑2 | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's address as it is to appear on checks. |
5. City | 15 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's city as it is to appear on checks. |
6. State | 2 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the United States Post Office code for the vendor's state, for example TX = Texas. |
7. Zip Code | 10 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's zip code. |
8. Country | 15 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor's country. If the vendor's country is the same as the country where you are located, you may wish to leave this field blank so that the check will not have this unnecessary information printed on it. |
9. Phone No | 12 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the phone number that is used to contact the vendor for inquiries on your account. |
10. Contact | 20 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name of the person who is to be contacted for inquiries on your account. |
11. Federal Id No | 9 numeric digits (999999999).
This field is used solely for vendors whose Accounts Payable payments must be reported to federal and state governments on a 1099 form on a yearly basis.
Enter the federal ID number of the vendor. If the vendor does not have a federal ID number, then his social security number can be used. This field is not required. |
12. Fed Id Type | 1 alphanumeric character.
If a federal ID number was entered above, enter F. If a social security number was used, then enter S. Once this field has been entered, the federal ID number will be redisplayed in the correct format. This field is not required. |
13. 1099 Category | 1 alphanumeric character.
The 1099 category entered (1 thru 8) will indicate in which box the 1099 data will print. (i.e., 1099 category 3 will print in box 3.) If the 1099 category is NOT 1 thru 8 the YTD payment amount will print in box 7.
The 1099 forms can only be printed for one category of vendor at a time. |
14. Vendor Type | 3 alphanumeric characters.
This is a user‑defined field. It can be used for anything you like. |
15. Vendor Status | 1 alphanumeric character.
This field has four valid values:
" " = Normal Status ‑ Normal activity allowed and discounts are taken according to vendor terms.
A = Always Take Discount ‑ Discounts will be taken on all payments to this vendor, regardless of due dates. This allows certain vendors to be flagged as having trade discounts.
H = Hold Payments ‑ Computer checks will not be printed for this vendor. Manual payments can still be entered, but a warning will be displayed.
N = No Purchases ‑ Payments will still be allowed by this package, but if the Purchase Order Package is being used it will not allow entry of new purchase orders for this vendor.
This field defaults to normal status (blank). |
16. Last Activity Date | A date in the standard date format.
This date will be updated by the package every time a voucher is entered into the system for the vendor. The invoice date of the voucher entered will be used.
This field will default to the system date. |
17. Terms | 15 alphanumeric characters.
This is a description of the terms allowed by the vendor. The contents of this field do not actually affect any processing in the package. The actual terms data used is entered below. |
18. Due Days | 3 numeric digits (999).
This is the number of days from the invoice date when it becomes due. |
19. Disc Days | 3 numeric digits (999).
This is the number of days from the invoice date when the early payment discount can still be taken.
The number of discount days must be less than or equal to the number of due days. |
20. Disc Pct | 4 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (99.99).
This is the early payment discount, which is allowed by the vendor. |
21. Purchases Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount of all purchases made from this vendor year‑to‑date (so far this year). This field is automatically maintained. |
22. Purchases Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount of all purchases made from this vendor last year. This field is set when the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators application is run. |
23. Amount Paid Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount paid to this vendor year‑to‑date (so far this year). This field is automatically maintained. |
24. Amount Paid Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount paid to this vendor last year. This field is set when the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators application is run. |
25. Discounts Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount of all discounts taken on payments made to this vendor year‑to‑date (so far this year). This field is automatically maintained. |
26. Discounts Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑).
This is the total amount of all discounts taken on payments made to this vendor last year. This field is set when the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators application is run. |
27. Automatic Distribution ? | Y or N.
If you wish to enter automatic distributions for this vendor, enter Y; if not, enter N. Vendor automatic distribution is explained in the Application Overview. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Buyer Contact | 20 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name of the person who is to be contacted with regard to new purchases. |
2. Fob Code | 2 alphanumeric characters.
Enter an FOB code from the FOB Code File. The description of the code will display on the screen after entry. It will be used as a default when purchase orders are entered in the Purchase Order and Receiving package.
In add or change mode, press the F7 key to search for FOB Code.
This field is not required. |
3. Ship Via Code | 2 alphanumeric characters.
Enter a Ship Via code from the Ship Via Code File. The description of the code will display on the screen after entry. It will be used as a default when purchase orders are entered in the Purchase Order and Receiving package. In add or change mode, press theF7 key to search for Ship Via Code.
This field is required. |
4. Print Price On Po's ? | Y or N.
This flag indicates whether the price for each item will appear on the purchase order if the Purchase Order and Receiving package is being used.
This field defaults to Y. |
5. Acknowledge ? | Y or N.
There is a small box on the purchase order form marked acknowledge. A Y or N is printed in this box by the computer. This indicates to the vendor whether or not you want him to send an order acknowledgement.
The value entered here becomes the default value to be printed on the purchase order. It can be overridden when purchase orders are entered. This field defaults to N. |
6. Confirm ? | Y or N.
There is a small box on the purchase order form marked confirm. A Y or N is printed in this box by the computer. This indicates to the vendor whether or not you want him to send an order confirmation.
The value entered here becomes the default value to be printed on purchase orders. It can be overridden when purchase orders are entered. This field defaults to N. |
7. Po's Ytd | 5 numeric digits (99,999).
This is the total number of purchase orders that have been sent to the vendor year‑to‑date (so far this year). If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
8. Line Items Ytd | 7 numeric digits (9,999,999).
This is the total number of line items on all of the purchase orders that were sent to the vendor year‑to‑date (so far this year). If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
9. Lines Late Ytd | 7 numeric digits (9,999,999).
This is the total number of purchase order lines for which the shipment arrived late year‑to‑date (so far this year). If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
10. Pct Late Last Year | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99).
This is the percentage of purchase order lines for which the shipment arrived late last year. This field will be set when the Clear Vendor YTD Accumulators application is run. |
11. Avg Cost Variance % | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑).
This is the average percentage that the cost of the items varied from the cost anticipated on the purchase order. This field will be kept current automatically if the Purchase Order and Receiving package is being used. |
12. Avg Rejected Items % | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑).
This is the average percentage of items, which are rejected when received. If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
13. Avg Lead Time | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑).
This is the average lead-time for items received from this vendor. For example: if this figure were 20, it would mean that, on the average, it takes 20 days from the time an order is sent to the time the item is received in inventory. If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
14. Avg No of Days Late | 3 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (999‑).
This is the average number of days late that the goods for a particular purchase order line item arrived. For example: if there are 10 line items on a purchase order and the goods for 9 of the line items arrive on time, but the goods for one line item are 30 days late, then the average number of days late would be 3. A negative number would indicate that, on the average, shipments from this vendor are early. If the Purchase Order and Receiving package is in use, this field will be automatically updated when the Purge Closed Purchase Orders application is run. |
15. Commodity Codes | 5 codes of 4 alphanumeric characters each.
A Commodity Code is a code indicating a particular type of commodity, such as lumber, steel, solvent, gas, etc. Each vendor can have up to five commodities associated with it. These are the commodities that the particular vendor supplies.
In the Purchase Order and Receiving package, the Commodity Code Vendor Report prints the vendors by commodity code.
Five different commodity codes are allowed for each vendor. |
Delivery Lead Time | This is the number of times it takes the vendor to deliver merchandise to your door. This field is user defined for comparisons to actual in Field 13. |
Available if Automatic Distribution as flagged “Y” in Base Data, Field 27.
Name | Type and Description |
Account‑No | Enter the account number in the standard format.
Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the account by number. Pressing the F8key will allow you to search for the account by description. This is useful in finding an account when you do not know the account number.
Enter the account number of the G/L account to which the expense distribution is to be made during A/P Transaction Processing. (See the Application Overview.) |
Percent | 6 numeric characters with 3 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999.999‑).
Enter the percentage of the total invoice amount, which is to be distributed to the account.
The total of all distribution percentages must be exactly 100. This field defaults to the remaining amount. |
Name | Type and Description |
Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the vendor account number that notes will be added to. Press the F7 key to search by vendor name or F8 to search by vendor number. |
Vendor Note Literal 1-5 | 5 lines of 30 alphanumeric characters.
You may enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters each 5 line defined in A/P Setup. |
Date Literal | A date in the standard date format.
Enter the date relative to this vendor note entry. |
Amount | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places.
Enter an amount relative to this vendor note entry. |
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the beginning of the range of vendor numbers, which you wish to print on the report.
This field defaults to All. |
Ending Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the end of the range of vendor numbers, which you wish to print on the report.
This field defaults to the starting vendor number to facilitate printing a single vendor. |
Print PO Data ? | Y or N.
The purchase order data is the data entered on the second screen of the Vendor Fileapplication.
This field defaults to Y if the Purchase Order and Receiving package is being used, Notherwise. |
No Activity Since | Enter a date in the standard date format.
All vendor records have a last activity date stored for them. This is the date of the last invoice or payment entered for the vendor. Vendors with last activity dates later than the date entered here will not appear on the report.
For example: if you wish to print out all vendors for whom there has been no activity since the end of 1988, then enter Dec 31, 1988 as the date here.
This field is not required. The default is to All vendors, regardless of their activity dates. |
Print Misc Vendors ? | Y or N.
This will allow or disallow printing of miscellaneous vendors on the report. |
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Vendor Name | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the beginning of the range of vendor names, which you wish to print on the report.
This field defaults to All. |
Ending Vendor Name | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the end of the range of vendor names, which you wish to print on the report.
This field defaults to the starting vendor name. |
Print Misc Vendors | Y or N.
This will allow or disallow printing of miscellaneous vendors on the report. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the starting number of the range of vendors for which you wish labels to be printed.
This field defaults to All. |
2. Ending Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the ending number of the range of vendors for which you wish labels to be printed.
This field defaults to the starting vendor number if not all vendors selected. |
This window will display when the F7 key is pressed for the vendor number in most places where it is entered in this package. Additionally, you can setup alternative search keys in System Global Setup.
Name | Type and Description |
Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the beginning of the vendor number for which you are searching. Any vendors whose numbers start with the characters entered will be displayed below in vendor number order.
If this field is left blank, all vendors will be shown in vendor number order. |
Select Vendor | Enter the Vendor number shown to the left of the correct vendor.
This window will then clear and the original entry screen (where you press F7) will be redisplayed.
If this field is left blank and there are more vendors on file who should be displayed, a new list of vendors will appear. When all vendors who qualify (start with the characters you entered) have been displayed, then leaving this field blank will allow you to enter another vendor number. |
This window will display when the F8 key is pressed for the vendor number in most places where it is entered in this package. . Additionally, you can setup alternative search keys in System Global Setup.
Name | Type and Description |
Vendor Name | 30 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the beginning of the vendor name for which you are searching. Any vendors whose names start with the characters entered will be displayed below in alphabetical order.
If this field is left blank, all vendors will be shown in alphabetical order. |
Select Vendor | Enter the vendor number shown to the left of the correct vendor.
This window will then clear and the original entry screen (where you press F8) will be redisplayed.
If this field is left blank and there are more vendors on file who should be displayed, a new list of vendors will appear. When all vendors who qualify (start with the characters you entered) have been displayed, then leaving this field blank will allow you to enter another vendor name. |
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Search By Name)
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Search w/Alternative Key searches)
Vendor File Maintenance (Screen #2)
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Notes)
Vendor File Maintenance (Numeric Vendor List)
Vendor File Maintenance (Alphabetic Vendor List)
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Mailing Labels)
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Mailing Labels Screen #2)
Vendor File Maintenance (Vendor Mailing Labels Screen #3)
The Vendor File Inquiry application enables you to examine the information, and notes that were previously entered into this Vendor File. This function is for inquiry purposes only.
Purchases year-to-date, the amount paid year-to-date, the vendors address and phone number as well as their automatic distributions may be viewed. If changes are required, then these need to be performed via change mode in the Vendor File Maintenance application.
Select Vendor File from the pull down A/P Inquiry window. The following screen will then be displayed:
Vendor File Inquiry Entry Screen
The following options are available:
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Entry Field Descriptions
Name | Type and Description |
1. Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters. |
2. Name | 30 alphanumeric characters. |
3. Address‑1 | 30 alphanumeric characters. |
4. Address‑2 | 30 alphanumeric characters. |
5. City | 15 alphanumeric characters. |
6. State | 2 alphanumeric characters. |
7. Zip Code | 10 alphanumeric characters. |
8. Country | 15 alphanumeric characters. |
9. Phone No | 12 alphanumeric characters. |
10. Contact | 20 alphanumeric characters. |
11. Federal Id No | 9 numeric digits (999999999). |
12. Fed Id Type | 1 alphanumeric character. |
13. 1099 Category | 1 alphanumeric character. |
14. Vendor Type | 3 alphanumeric characters. |
15. Vendor Status | 1 alphanumeric character. |
16. Last Activity Date | A date in the standard date format. |
17. Terms | 15 alphanumeric characters. |
18. Due Days | 3 numeric digits (999). |
19. Disc Days | 3 numeric digits (999). |
20. Disc Pct | 4 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (99.99). |
21. Purchases Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
22. Purchases Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
23. Amount Paid Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
24. Amount Paid Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
25. Discounts Ytd | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
26. Discounts Last Year | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99‑). |
27. Automatic Distribution ? | Y or N. |
Name | Type and Description |
1. Buyer Contact | 20 alphanumeric characters. |
2. Fob Code | 2 alphanumeric characters. |
3. Ship Via Code | 2 alphanumeric characters. |
4. Print Price On Po's ? | Y or N. |
5. Acknowledge ? | Y or N. |
6. Confirm ? | Y or N. |
7. Po's Ytd | 5 numeric digits (99,999). |
8. Line Items Ytd | 7 numeric digits (9,999,999). |
9. Lines Late Ytd | 7 numeric digits (9,999,999). |
10. Pct Late Last Year | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (999.99). |
11. Avg Cost Variance % | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑). |
12. Avg Rejected Items % | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑). |
13. Avg Lead Time | 5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99‑). |
14. Avg No of Days Late | 3 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (999‑). |
15. Commodity Codes | 5 codes of 4 alphanumeric characters each. |
Name | Type and Description |
Vendor No | 6 alphanumeric characters. |
Vendor Note Literal 1-5 | 5 lines of 30 alphanumeric characters. |
Date | A date in the standard date format. |
Amount | 9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places. |
Vendor File Inquiry (Vendor Search By Number)
Vendor File Inquiry
Vendor File Inquiry (Purchase Order Information)
Vendor Automatic Distribution Screen
Vendor Notes Inquiry