Reconcile Inventory received Not Invoice (Accrual) Account
Currently it is either extremely difficult or impossible to reconcile the received Not Invoice account. On the GL reference field Elliott displays D# followed by space and the receiving document number. Then another space "Itm#" and the item number. This is basically meaningless for reconciliation purpose. Users really dont care about the receiving document number. I suggest to replace the first 10 characters ("D# 123456 " With PO number (6 characters, "-" and the line number. We are losing the space before the "Itm#" literal but this is okay. This will allow easy reconciliation against the PO receiving Audit trail. When the Voucher is created, I would replace the "VEND# 123456" With The only Vendor # followed by the Vendor Invoice number. You might want to add a global setup question if user wants to implement it in this way.
The following post was created by Avi Weissbard from Cybermac software LLC on 2/2/2023 in our old Knowledge Base.