Provide Ability to Send Text Messages

Provide Ability to Send Text Messages

Some people respond better to text messages than emails. The ability for Elliott to post text messages (to a cell phone number) might be useful in the following scenarios: 1. It could be used in two-step login verification in the future. 2. The User List could be enhanced to manually send a text to a logged in user that you do not have the cell number for on your phone. 3. An event could trigger a text to the subscriber's cell number, for example if a record is locked and preventing access. There may be other useful scenarios. At least one mechanism for sending a text is to send an SMTP message to a phone number at each of the known cell service providers (e.g., To: Currently, there are about 30 of those providers. Of course, the list of potential service providers would need to be easily updated. Additionally, the eContact record would need expansion to provide a way to specify a cell number and whether or not it wants to receive text messages.

The following post was created by Edward M. Kwang from NETcellent System, Inc.on 2/21/2023 in our old Knowledge Base.