Payment Reference Information - PO Number Missing

Payment Reference Information - PO Number Missing

It occurs often that the PO Number is missing from the payment reference information. The reference field is in Elliott billing screen. While the default format of reference field is PO# + Order#, we support user to override the reference field in order billing screen. So let’s consider a scenario as following: 1. When a sales order is first entered. There’s no PO#. 2. User access the billing screen. The reference field is being populated as “PO# blank + Order# XXXXXX”. 3. User later on change the PO# in the order header. 4. User may or may not go to the billing screen again. But even if user go to the billing screen, we do not override the reference value because there’s a value there already. Update the programming so If the reference format is like “PO# blank + Order# XXXXXX” format, then we replace the blank PO# with the current PO# if there’s one. Then, the PO # will always be on the statement data.

The following post was created by Aaron Keating from Lipsey's, LLC on 2/5/2024 in our old Knowledge Base.