Allow Printing of Zero ($0) Dollars Check to Close Voucher & Credit Memo

Allow Printing of Zero ($0) Dollars Check to Close Voucher & Credit Memo

A scenario was brought up that in AP module, there's a voucher of $10,000 and a credit memo of $10,000 for a vendor. We currently does not have activities with this vendor. But we like to close out these two transaction so they don't show as open. It is suggested that if we select these two transactions for payment. The total payment amount would be zero. We currently do not allow printing AP check of $0 for a vendor. We should consider lift this restriction. So once the check is printed and posted, the voucher and credit memo will both be applied to this $0 check. The change is to allow printing $0 check. We will continue to restrict printing of check with negative amount.

The following post was created by Edward M. Kwang from NETcellent System, Inc.on 11/30/2022 in our old Knowledge Base.